Thursday, August 25, 2005
Cell Phones...Life Savers or Lessons in Stupidity?
Lived in peace and harmony, that's what we did! We could go somewhere and NOT be reached for once. And we would be ok with that. Today, if we forget our cell phone at home or elsewhere, our lives are over. It's as if we cut off our hand. OMG, what if someone is trying to call me?! we ask ourselves, as if the world will implode if we don't answer the phone when it rings. Or if the caller id says 'unknown' and they don't leave a message, it drives us nuts....we must know who called!! Or if we go to the movies or someplace where we turn it on silent, what's the first thing we do when we get out? Check our messages!! And speaking of messages...what's with the 10 minute greeting? First, we have to let the phone ring 4 times or more. Then voicemail picks up and there's your friend saying "hi, you've reached....please leave a message". But then, there's the recording that says "to leave a message, press one. To page the person or leave your number, press 5. When you are finished, press pound or simply hang up, or shove the phone thru your ear b/c this is the longest greeting ever and that's the only way to make it stop" (although you might experience a slight ringing in your ears...HA!)
But really folks, since when do we need instructions for how to leave a message? Whatever happened to...beeeeep? And on top of that, we need instructions for how to hang up once we are finished? Seriously unnecessary. And talk about a boring job...that poor woman who has to say the same thing over and over again every leave a message, please press leave a message, please press one... ;)
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I love email / I hate email.
I love email. It’s such a great way to get information quickly. And if there’s a he said/she said discrepancy, you can always go back and check the ‘trail’ and the conversation is always documented. And I love sending people encouraging notes and e-cards out of the blue just because to brighten their day. And I love getting email from my friends saying hello when I’m stressed at work…it always brightens my day just to hear from them! Email is like passing notes in class…except you can pass a note to anyone in the world! Greatness. And now we’ve got text messaging too, which is equally cool…although more expensive. I mean, it has it’s own language for goodness sake. Technology never ceases to amaze me.
But I hate email. Yep, I’m using the word hate. I hate it when people try to have a personal conversation thru email. It’s always so hard to interpret exactly what they are saying or what they mean, and more often than not, I mis-interpret. It also bothers me because I’m at work. No one wants to interpret what you are saying and worry about dealing with email drama while at work. (I have little patience for any kind of drama…but email drama can be the worst!) Don’t get me wrong, I am always open and available to anyone who wants to talk, but not thru email. In fact, even talking on the phone bothers me a little. You still can’t get the eye contact and see the facial expressions and the body language that says so much more than what your mouth does. And as much as I might try to fight it, :) I’m a woman (I know, shocker) and what I want is a personal connection with you when I talk to you. Having a conversation in an email is basically you having the conversation without me. And in all honesty, I’ve found that if you’re having a personal conversation thru email, it probably means you don’t have the courage to have that conversation in person…have the courage to have a real conversation, don’t take the easy way out! (And a sidenote to the guys…never, EVER ask a girl out thru an email. Just don’t do it. Trust me on this one. ;) )
Technology is a beautiful thing. I couldn’t have this blog without it! But I think sometimes we lean on it just a little too hard. I don’t want to have conversations with computers, I want conversations with people. Especially the important ones. Don’t take advantage of the gift of technology and let the real relationships go by the wayside. After all, Hebrews 10:25 doesn’t say “Let us email each other, as all are in the habit of doing, and they will be encouraged when they hear ‘you have mail’ and that’s enough encouragement for one day…” but rather it says “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—all the more as you see the Day approaching”!
Friday, August 19, 2005
The World's 2nd Cutest Kitten!

Meet Zachary, my parent's new addition to their family! He's about 10 weeks old and just about the cutest thing you have ever seen since that cartoon cat in Shrek 2 made those googley-eyes. This little ball of fearless fluff has free reign over my parent's ginormous house, where he skids all over the hardwood floors, runs down the stairs so fast that he falls flat on the face when he gets to the bottom, and thinks their computer keyboard is a catwalk where he can strut his stuff. He's already terrorizing their other cat, Rocky, and even the dog Bandit, who doesn't realize he outweighs the poofball by like 50 pounds.
Zach is a purebred mainecoon, so we're hoping he's gonna grow good and big! So say hello to the world's 2nd cutest kitten (out-cuted only by Duncan of course...and let's face it no one could possibly be cuter than him... ;)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
A Real Man!

Me and Bobby got to see Ross in his element last Friday in Weatherford at a Rodeo!! Even though he claims he sucked, I was stinking impressed! I mean, how many other people do I know that would walk up to a giant pissed off animal with big mean horns, and then just piss it off more by tying a rope around it's happy place and climbing on his back, just to see how long he can hang on!!! And let me tell you, the particular bull that Ross rode was particularly pissed off. It was pretty darn cool though, and let me tell you I have a whole new respect for the guys who do that. And by respect I mean they're downright nutzo. With a capital N.I didn't get any good pictures, but the one here is of Ross after he rode...he and everyone else are hanging on to the bars on the sides. That's because just before this picture was taken, the bull Ross just jumped off ran by and tried to gore them on his horns like a cowboy sish-ka-bob. Fortunately he missed.
In conclusion: Ross is the coolest.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Breaking News
Friday, August 12, 2005
Traveling Light
When I travel, I usually pack pretty light, and the same went for our New York trip. (In fact...the boys packed more than I did...hehehe). My packing philosophy has always been "never pack more than you can carry". All I had was one duffle bag, a backpack and a pillow. I used the backpack to carry all our tourist things in the city like water bottles, cameras, maps, etc. (Although you leave Jason in charge of the backpack for one day and he loses the map...hehehe). But after just a few days being out of town, my back was already killing me from sitting in the car all day or else walking all over town and sleeping in a strange bed every night. But still every day i picked up my backpack and insisted on carrying it when we were out rather than accept help. I stubbornly refused when Michael or Jason offered to carry it for me. At the beginning of the trip they had to pry it out of my white knuckle grip each day! (in a very gentlemanly, chivalrous way, of course) But by the end of the trip, I was so tired and my back was aching so much that it only took one inquiring look from Jason for me to submit and gratefully hand it over.
That makes me wonder...what other backpacks am I hanging on to in my life? How many things am I holding on to that God is desperately wanting to carry for me? Why does it take until the very end of the trip when I am so worn out and tired and hurting to finally let go because I just plain don't have the strength to be stubborn about it anymore? Do I think I can out-stubborn God? How many times does it take to realize that I will always run out of strength before He does?
If a father and his family are at the airport, and his 5 year old son tries to take the biggest, heaviest piece of family luggage off the baggage claim, the father doesn't let him sit there and strain. He walks over and says "Here son, let me get that one for you".
And yet here I am trying to wrestle away the biggest and heaviest peices of luggage from my much bigger, much stronger, and much more capable father. Silly me.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
NYC Wrap Up!
Some of my Favorite Quotes (Michael had a lot more, but I can't remember them now):
While at a gas station behind a truck with an anti-Bush bumper sticker, a redneck-ish man gets out and Michael says "Hmm. Seems like that guy would like Bush". We ask why? "Well it looks like he likes guns". Then the "woman" next to him gets out. Jason says "Yeah, but it looks like she likes girls".
"Every nerve in my mouth is alive!" -Jason, while eating a super spicy beef jerky
"Guys, I'm really sorry...." -Crys "Crys, how sorry are you? Because my feet really hurt and they sure could use a footrub..." -Michael in response.
States we drove through: Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Washington DC (ok it's not a state, it's a district blah blah), Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana!
Total hours in the car: 56.5
Total miles driven: 3,393
Some might say that we're crazy for driving all the way to New York. Michael would probably agree ;). But I say that life is all about the journey, not the destination. So often people fly to where they are going, and mentally, their vacation doesn't start until they arrive, and it ends once they step on the airplane to go home. But my vacation includes the journey as well! How often do you get to say that you've been in 6 states in one day? How often do you get to relax and just enjoy the countryside? How often do you even notice the countryside? How often do you get 10 hours of uninterrupted time to spend with some of your best friends and get to know them better? How often do you get to hear them sing at the top of their lungs to Queen and the Hamster Dance or see them lean out the window to yell at a cow just minding his own business? Not very often I bet!!
NYC Rules...Part 3
Then we saw the Korean memorial which is my personal favorite. I can't describe it, you have to go. But it has sculptures of soldiers walking thru a rice paddy and their faces are just so real it seems like they are looking right at you. I love that one. We drove past Arlington Cemetary and the Thomas Jefferson memorial and the White House as well before continuing on to Virginia to crash for the night!
On Friday we drove thru beautiful 85 degree North Carolina along the Blue Ridge Parkway for some absolutely gorgeous scenic mountain views. I took them to Blowing Rock which has an indian legend surrounding it that because of the strength of the winds blowing up the rock, it actually pushed an indian brave back up onto the rock after he jumped off. It was kinda rainy, but still beautiful and a definate change from the hot city we'd been in all week! Then we drove to Atlanta and before crashing for the night, we got to meet one of Jason's good friends and his wife and hang out with them for a bit. They used to live here and go to Fellowship and they were way cool. Then on Saturday it was 12 hours of driving to make it home!!
Whew! What an awesome trip. As soon as I get my pictures developed (because no, I have not yet bought a digital camera. Gimme a break, I just got a DVD player like a year ago) and figure out how to post them on this thing, you'll get to enjoy them too! NYC Rules!!!
NYC Rules...Part 2
That night Michael and Jami caught "Phantom of the Opera" which Jami thought was amazing, but Michael was not very fond of all the singing. hehehe. News flash....phantom of the OPERA...nevermind. He did admit to enjoying it though. Wednesday morning consisted of Little Italy and Chinatown, and Wednesday afternoon we went to Central Park and met back up with Lloyd Floyd who showed us around the Metropolitan Museum of Art. That guy knows everything about everything.
Wednesday night we got to see "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", my first Broadway show!!! (I know I know, I've been working in theatre my whole life and never actually seen a real Broadway show...pathetic.) IT WAS SOOOO GOOD!!! Absolutely hilarious. It starred John Lithgow (3rd Rock from the Sun), Joanna Gleason (She occasionally guest appearances on Friend's as Rachel's boss) and Norbert Leo Butz who none of you know but he won the Tony for Best Actor this year for this show and he's officially my new favorite actor! He was just SO GOOD! I could go one for about 6 more paragraphs about how good it was but chances are, very few people who read this are going to read 6 paragraphs about theatre so I'll restrain myself. After the show, we waited by the stage door to get their autographs and pictures!! Me and Jami were in heaven. Jason and Michael thought it was cool. They really like the show too, even though they might not admit it ;)
Wednesday was definately my favorite day. I love Norbert. I love Broadway. I'm so moving. ;)
Ok that's all for now, stay tuned to Crys's stinkin' cool blog to hear about the rest in the next episode of NYC RULES!
Monday, August 08, 2005
NYC Rules...Part 1
Friday thru to NYC with Buffy the Big Apple Slayer (Jami), the Cruise Control Crusader otherwise known as Packer Acker (Jason), and Captain Cynical (Michael).
Sunday thru Thursday...see NYC! We went to the Empire State Building at Midnight on Sunday, saw Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Radio City Music Hall, NBC Studios, Trump Tower, Carnegie Hall, Macy's, Bloomingdales and St. Patrick's Cathedral on Monday. Wheew! Then we got to watch a taping of the Letterman Show which was way cool, and a much needed break for the poor feet from walking to all those cool places! That night we met up with one of my actor friends, Lloyd Floyd, man of 1032 different voices and impressions. If you're wondering what he's like, we'll just say he certainly lives up to his name! He took us to this Thai restaurant that was soooo yummy! Then he took us to the Lower East Side to an open mic poetry bar that was...well...unique in so many ways. Each person had 7 minutes to do their schtick, which was a myriad of "music", singing, banjos, one guy strapped a tamborine to his foot while he played, and some did stand up comedy which was less than amusing. (Except for Lloyd's, of course!).
The night began with the...emcees...introducing the "acts", which were two women who were...we'll say...feeling pretty darn good. They explained how tonight, we are celebrating the 'festival of the llamas', (I so wished Kara and Amy were there to hear that!) which was very 'vegan' and 'tribal' and 'amaaaaayyyyzing'. After each "act", they told us how it reminded them of a very special time in their feeling good lives, like the time when they annointed a talisman for the gatekeeper or something equally weirdo. Let me emphasize the fact that all this was "amaaaaayyyyzing". They certainly did. Every 4.2 seconds.
Only about 1 in every 8 performances had any wink of talent to it...which made the evening that ended at 3am pretty interesting. The very first woman that got onstage and proceeded to shout at us about how she had nothing at all prepared, so we should ask her questions. (Dude, don't yell at me, not my fault you're a procrastinator!) Then she proceeded to scream about how horrible and disgusting men were. She used a lot more expletives than that, though. I kinda felt bad for Jason and Michael. So the night began.
One guy sang a song about liposuction which was actually pretty funny, another angry Russian guy (I can say that...he said "I'm Russian and I hate you all b/c you don't speak Russian) sang a song about how everything in this world sucks, and one woman sang a pretty entertaining song, but then also told us the details of her STD...after introducing her dad in the audience. Oogy. But the highlight of the night was a performance by a girl which could only be described as constipation in motion. Think Dory on Finding Nemo when she's talking to the whales...only she's stuck on one note for 7 minutes straight...not forming words or having any point whatsoever, just looking and sounding like she should really be in a bathroom. She was booed off stage. At first, I just wanted to rip off my ears and eat them so maybe the agony would end...then me and Jami got the giggles. It was all downhill from there. We should SO not have been laughing, which made it even harder to stop. We just couldn't do it. Jason and Michael, however, didn't find the humor.
But at the end of the night, we could definately say we experienced the true, raw New York arts environment, and we've got lots of stories!!! In fact, Lloyd even said "I didn't bring you because I thought you would enjoy it, I brought you because I wanted you to experience it!" It really was kinda cool though and the more thought about it, the more we realized we really did have fun. And that was only Monday night! Stay tuned for the rest of the trip with more fun stories!