Welcome to the next installment of ‘Why I Love…”, and today is Why I Love My Mom! My mom is great and here’s why!! (So it’s a few days past mother’s day…something tells me my mom will still enjoy this just as much!)
When I was 1, she sacrificed sleep and sanity just because I whined.
When I was 2, she tolerated endless hours of
When I was 3 she gave me a new toy…I mean new brother.
When I was 4 she made me a Winnie the Pooh costume for Halloween. In addition to the Butterfly, Minnie Mouse, and Unicorn costumes in subsequent Halloweens after that.
When I was 5 she joined the Sad Mommies Club because I started Kindergarten. It’s true.
When I was 6 she wallpapered my entire bedroom with clouds so it would match my Care-Bear theme.
When I was 7 she made me a Rainbow Brite birthday cake (in an attempt to top the previous year’s Care Bear Cake).
When I was 8 didn’t make fun of my Sally-Jesse-Raphael glasses.
When I was 9 she sat with me for hours on one end of the room while I stood at the other, to prove that when the teacher held up my painting in front of the class that day and made fun of it, no one could have read my name.
When I was 10 she choreographed the greatest talent show skit the world has ever known.
When I was 11 she spent hours learning my algebra homework so she could help me with it.
When I was 12 she bought me braces…and then let me join a hockey league.
When I was 13 she helped me build ridiculous science fair projects…and they all won 1st place.
When I was 14 she helped me get ready for my first car-date.
When I was 15 she came to all my drill-team dance recitals and contests, even when that meant sitting on hard bleachers through boring hours of other dancers just to see me do the same 2 minute routine for the 15th time.
When I was 16 she helped my dad surprise me with my first car.
When I was 17 and dumped by my date the day before the senior prom, she helped cheer me up and gave me this really goofy card that said "even though you’re having a bad day, here’s a list of things that could be worse..." and one of them was “your butt could fall off”.
When I was 18 she let me drive to college orientation all by myself…and cried. Then cried again when it was time for me to actually leave for college.
When I was 19 she was there when the “love of my life” broke up with me.
When I was 20 she still sent me Halloween and Easter candy (and she still does to this day!).
When I was 21 she was there when the 2nd “love of my life” moved away.
When I was 22 she was willing to pay for a Master’s degree at Yale.
When I was 23 she let me convince her to audition for the theatre I worked for.
When I was 24 she let me move back home rent-free when I lost my job.
I love you Mom, thanks for everything!!!