Monday, June 12, 2006

O Blogger, Where Art Thou? or S'more Better

May17th??? I can’t believe that was my last post. Oh, the shameful blogger that I am. Well, to keep you posted on the life and times of Crys, I went camping this past weekend and had a blast. And in all my camping experiences, the most valuable lessons learned always seem to revolve around the s’more. So should you ever go camping, remember these things…

*Toasting marshmallows is good. Toasting twinkies is bad.

*Always eat dessert first in case of rapture. (ok, this is just a good rule to live by in general). But when camping…if you toast your marshmallows first, THEN use the same stick to cook your hotdogs, you will have a yummy marshmallow-flavored hot dog.

*Do not be deceived by the raccoon who wants a bite of your marshmallow. This is a ruse, do not fall for it. Unless you have enough marshmallows for all the tiny woodland creatures of the forest.

*Should a fly find himself trapped in your bag of marshmallows, do not try to get him out by pounding your fist on the side of the bag. This will only result in the undesirable smashmallow/fly combination.

*Always remember to store the chocolate bars in the cooler…especially when camping in Texas…in June. However, should you forget, it is perfectly acceptable to soak up the melted chocolate with your toasted marshmallow.

*Never try to eat the toasted mallow off the metal stick you just cooked it with.

*Should you drop you mallow on the ground, the 5-second rule does not apply.

*Always splurge on the mallows when camping. Do you realize there are only 90 calories in 4 mallows??? 4!!!

*To torch or not to torch…that is the question. Whether tis nobler to patiently brown your mallow, or take arms against a sea of fire, and by opposing, blacken thy mallow…

Finally, the most important thing I’ve ever learned on a camping trip, is how to IMPROVE the s’more. They said it couldn’t be done. I call it the S'more Better. But I warn you…the secrets I am about to share are not for the faint of heart…

To make your S’more Better…Use your toasting stick to bore a small hole thru the middle of the mallow. Insert the chocolate into the hole, then proceed to toast as usual. Warning…be sure not to burn the chocolate! If you are like me and you prefer your mallows flaming pieces of carbon, this is tricker...but it can be done! However if you are more patient and do not believe in torching your mallow, this will be easier. Once the mallow is toasted, and the chocolate is all melty and gooey, proceed to mash onto the graham cracker and consume as usual. (uh...graham cracker optional)