Monday, August 20, 2007

Squeaky Clean

So last night I'm doing my laundry. Which by the way doing the laundry in the comfort of my own home is a fabulous luxury I can now enjoy since I bought my first washer and dryer last Christmas!

I run 4 loads of wash with the same normal, regular, everyday detergent. Two loads on normal; one colors and one whites. Then two loads on delicate; one colors and one whites. Then for my last load, I need to wash the smelly, sawdust-covered sneakers that I not only work out in but also wear when working in our un-airconditioned scene Texas...for the past 2 needless to say, even the strongest stomach might keel over about now. So I put the sneakers in the washer. I put the exact same detergent into the washer as I used for the last four loads. I decide to try the "catalyst" setting, which is the heavily advertised feature of this particular washer. I believe it's labeled on the knob "heavy duty, wash-the-words-off-your-t-shirt, cleaner-than-your-mama-could-get it" setting, which I feel is appropriate for these particular sneakers. I decide to give it a try, close the lid, and leave the washer to work it's magic and return to the couch.

A few minutes later I get up to throw away a piece of trash in the garbage can, which happens to share a room with the washer. This is what I find...

Like me, at first glance you may wonder to yourself, "hmm, maybe that's just what the inside of the washer is supposed to look like in the middle of a cycle...?" but what you don't see is all the soap bubbles that were overflowing around the closed lid and beginning to spill down the no, that is not what the inside of the washer is supposed to look like in the middle of a cycle.

Apparently what the "catalyst" setting failed to mention is that it also cleans your floors, too.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Ok, so it's been forever since I've posted. Some of you have written nasty emails. Some of you have wondered if I'm dead. Most of you haven't noticed. But that's ok, I've always said this is all really for my own amusement I am, typing and giggling away, and there you are, just shaking your head at your computer.

Well, if you're one of those who haven't noticed, you won't be reading this anyways so why am I even talking to you. If you wondered if I'm dead, never fear, the sarcasm is alive and well. And if you've complained...well, write your own blog, dangitt!

But in all honesty, I've needed a bit of a blogging break. But I do miss the weekly rants and dorky adventures so I'm going to try to get back into swing of things here. Unfortunately, no mutant spiders have invaded my truck, nor have any random FBI agents come knocking on my door, so I don't have any fabulous stories right now but I will be on a mission to lock myself out of my apartment for find some other equally retarded move that you've come to expect from the Crys McDonald Show.
Stay tuned!