If you haven't noticed, I'm taking a little holiday break from the blog! I will start posting again as soon as Christmas is over. In the meantime, come check out the Christmas services at Fellowship Church starting this weekend!! Services start Saturday night and go through Sunday morning, and again on Tuesday and Wednesday...go to www.fellowshipchurch.com to get the times and directions. You know you gotta go at least twice a year for Christmas and Easter, and if you're gonna go somewhere, FC is the place to be! And if church ain't your style, well chances are if you are reading this blog it's because your a friend of mine so at the very least come and see the new set I built!! You're still allowed to come even if you aren't into the message of it so come see me!! :)
So to everyone I wish a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I will see you in 2009!! (Which I am SO ready for, by the way!)
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I Caved.
Let me start this post by saying I love Christmas. I love everything about it, including Christmas music. But, I also LOVE fall! And while Christmas is my favorite holiday, fall is definitely my favorite season. So because of that, I am morally opposed to Christmas celebrations before Thanksgiving. Fall in Texas is short enough, do we really have to make it that much shorter? I mean if you start celebrating Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving, that gives you a good solid MONTH of celebration, what more could you want? I am generally tolerant of some Christmas preparation before Thanksgiving, however I have one major peeve...when radio stations begin playing NONSTOP Christmas music weeks before Thanksgiving even begins!! And it's not even that Christmas music bothers me before turkey day, but nonstop? For weeks upon weeks? Really? Don't miss fall!! Don't miss Thanksgiving!!
That is my typical rant.
Until this weekend.
This weekend, as I am out running errands, I realize the radio has NOTHING good to play. Every station has about 4 songs they've played over and over and I can't take it anymore. So I flip thru other stations looking for something that doesn't suck. And I find 103.7 klty...playing...you guessed it...nonstop Christmas music. And I cave. I listen to the Christmas music. And I love it. It's cold outside, the holidays are coming, and I should jingle some bells! I didn't listen to it all freaking day mind you, but I listened, and I enjoyed it!
And now I'm ready for some turkey.
That is my typical rant.
Until this weekend.
This weekend, as I am out running errands, I realize the radio has NOTHING good to play. Every station has about 4 songs they've played over and over and I can't take it anymore. So I flip thru other stations looking for something that doesn't suck. And I find 103.7 klty...playing...you guessed it...nonstop Christmas music. And I cave. I listen to the Christmas music. And I love it. It's cold outside, the holidays are coming, and I should jingle some bells! I didn't listen to it all freaking day mind you, but I listened, and I enjoyed it!
And now I'm ready for some turkey.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Follow the Bouncing Blog
I know a lot of people read this blog, so I added a new link during the overhaul...on the right side of this page is a box that says "Follow this Blog". I would love it if you clicked there and added yourself as a reader and started the list!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thoughts on J. the B., Part 2
John 3:22-36
John's response to his disciples was not in anger. In fact, you can hear the joy in his voice as he tries to explain and share the cause of his joy with them!
1) v. 27-He acknowledges his current position is a blessing from God.
2) v. 28-He reminds them of his, and also their, humble state...as in "do you think we are the only people who can do this job?"
3) v. 28,29-He states Who he is (not the Christ, but his friend)
He states who he belongs to (bridegroom)
He states his purpose (attend the bridegroom, wait and listen for him)
He describes what it reaps (joy!)
John's joy is complete by seeing Christ baptize! (v.29) Such a different attitude than his disciples, though both were doing the same thing in the same place at the same time. John's attitude was that Christ must become greater, and John must become less (v.30). His disciples' were the exact opposite.
But John doesn't stop there, he continues on with his message of salvation, hoping they will get it! Instead of getting angry, he took the time to teach, vision cast, and share the gospel.
Way to make the most of an opportunity.
John's response to his disciples was not in anger. In fact, you can hear the joy in his voice as he tries to explain and share the cause of his joy with them!
1) v. 27-He acknowledges his current position is a blessing from God.
2) v. 28-He reminds them of his, and also their, humble state...as in "do you think we are the only people who can do this job?"
3) v. 28,29-He states Who he is (not the Christ, but his friend)
He states who he belongs to (bridegroom)
He states his purpose (attend the bridegroom, wait and listen for him)
He describes what it reaps (joy!)
John's joy is complete by seeing Christ baptize! (v.29) Such a different attitude than his disciples, though both were doing the same thing in the same place at the same time. John's attitude was that Christ must become greater, and John must become less (v.30). His disciples' were the exact opposite.
But John doesn't stop there, he continues on with his message of salvation, hoping they will get it! Instead of getting angry, he took the time to teach, vision cast, and share the gospel.
Way to make the most of an opportunity.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thoughts on J. the B.
John 3:22-26
In this passage we find John the Baptist and his disciples...well, baptizing. Jesus and his disciples join them, "because there was plenty of water, and people were constantly coming to be baptized" (v.23).
Then, "an argument developed between some of John's disciples...over the matter of ceremonial washing" (v.25). Translation, they started fighting over something so insignificant that the details are not even worth mentioning. Then, John's disciples see Jesus baptizing and complain to John that "everyone is going to him" (v. 26)
There are a lot of things wrong with this picture!
First problem: The people were constantly coming to be baptized...that's awesome! But here are John's disciples, the very people who were supposed to be performing the baptisms, and instead they are arguing about some religious rule? How sad that they were totally missing out on the life change right in front of them because they were so concerned about being right.
Second problem: They become jealous and prideful that everyone is going to get baptized by Jesus. Let's think about this...if I wanted to be baptized and I saw one group arguing with each other, and another group inviting and welcoming, well which one would I be more attracted to? No brainer.
Third problem: They totally fail to recognize the greatness of Jesus...the very people who were closest to John the Baptist and constantly hearing him talk about his mission to prepare the way for the one who is greater...and now here it is and they miss it.
They are too focused on themselves, concerned with who has the "right" way and the better baptism, and they are completely missing the point of why they are there. And as a result, they turn people away, people who have shown up and are ready for a life change.
*Where is your attitude turning people away?
*Where are you missing the point of why you are here?
Maybe the check out clerk at the grocery store, or the waiter at the restaurant?
Maybe the person you cut off on your way to work this morning who got a great view of your Jesus bumper sticker?
Maybe on the weekend in the way you talk to your volunteers?
Maybe on the weekend when there are lost people all around you who you don't say hi to, or even smile at because you are so focused on what you are "getting out of it" or your task at hand?
In this passage we find John the Baptist and his disciples...well, baptizing. Jesus and his disciples join them, "because there was plenty of water, and people were constantly coming to be baptized" (v.23).
Then, "an argument developed between some of John's disciples...over the matter of ceremonial washing" (v.25). Translation, they started fighting over something so insignificant that the details are not even worth mentioning. Then, John's disciples see Jesus baptizing and complain to John that "everyone is going to him" (v. 26)
There are a lot of things wrong with this picture!
First problem: The people were constantly coming to be baptized...that's awesome! But here are John's disciples, the very people who were supposed to be performing the baptisms, and instead they are arguing about some religious rule? How sad that they were totally missing out on the life change right in front of them because they were so concerned about being right.
Second problem: They become jealous and prideful that everyone is going to get baptized by Jesus. Let's think about this...if I wanted to be baptized and I saw one group arguing with each other, and another group inviting and welcoming, well which one would I be more attracted to? No brainer.
Third problem: They totally fail to recognize the greatness of Jesus...the very people who were closest to John the Baptist and constantly hearing him talk about his mission to prepare the way for the one who is greater...and now here it is and they miss it.
They are too focused on themselves, concerned with who has the "right" way and the better baptism, and they are completely missing the point of why they are there. And as a result, they turn people away, people who have shown up and are ready for a life change.
*Where is your attitude turning people away?
*Where are you missing the point of why you are here?
Maybe the check out clerk at the grocery store, or the waiter at the restaurant?
Maybe the person you cut off on your way to work this morning who got a great view of your Jesus bumper sticker?
Maybe on the weekend in the way you talk to your volunteers?
Maybe on the weekend when there are lost people all around you who you don't say hi to, or even smile at because you are so focused on what you are "getting out of it" or your task at hand?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The First Miracle, Part 2
John 2:1-11, Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
What I find interesting about Mary's request, is that she didn't even ask him specifically to do something, she simply presented him with her problem "They have no more wine" (v. 3). She could have asked him to answer in the specific way she wanted him to fix it..."can you go out and get some more?" or "can you perform a miracle to fix this?" or "can you tell everyone to leave before they find out?". But all she did was come to him with the problem and allowed him to answer in the way he saw fit.
Then, she told the servants "do whatever he tells you" (v.5). In saying this, she is not only still leaving the answer up to him, but she is also trusting because he never said to her "yes, this is what I'm about to do...!". Also, she is offering to him the means she has so he may act. Not that he needed the provision, but she offered what she had to him to do with as he saw fit.
So in these three short verses, she does the following:
1) She had the freedom to approach and ask (Eph. 3:12)
2) She trusted and had a submissive enough heart to leave not only the answer up to him, but also the way in which to answer, even if the answer was "no" or "not yet" (Prov. 3:5)
3) She offered up all she had for him to use as he pleased (Luke 9:24)
What I find interesting about Mary's request, is that she didn't even ask him specifically to do something, she simply presented him with her problem "They have no more wine" (v. 3). She could have asked him to answer in the specific way she wanted him to fix it..."can you go out and get some more?" or "can you perform a miracle to fix this?" or "can you tell everyone to leave before they find out?". But all she did was come to him with the problem and allowed him to answer in the way he saw fit.
Then, she told the servants "do whatever he tells you" (v.5). In saying this, she is not only still leaving the answer up to him, but she is also trusting because he never said to her "yes, this is what I'm about to do...!". Also, she is offering to him the means she has so he may act. Not that he needed the provision, but she offered what she had to him to do with as he saw fit.
So in these three short verses, she does the following:
1) She had the freedom to approach and ask (Eph. 3:12)
2) She trusted and had a submissive enough heart to leave not only the answer up to him, but also the way in which to answer, even if the answer was "no" or "not yet" (Prov. 3:5)
3) She offered up all she had for him to use as he pleased (Luke 9:24)
Monday, November 10, 2008
The First Miracle
John 2:1-11, Jesus Changes Water into Wine
After reading this passage, I found myself asking some things about Mary. Why did she tell Jesus that they had run out of wine...how did she know he could do something about it? Because according to verse 11, his glory had not yet been revealed.
I wonder if there is significance to the fact that it was she who prompted the beginning of his ministry? This is the first time we see Mary since Jesus got lost as a little boy and was found in the temple (Luke Ch 2). But it's been said of her numerous times that she had been "storing things up in her heart" ever since his birth.
Did she really know what she was beginning for him? And if she did know of all he was capable of, why ask for such a seemingly insignificant task? Perhaps God was using her to encourage Jesus, because even though he was fully God, he was also fully human and maybe knowing what was ahead of him, he needed the support of a woman and mom to begin. And maybe the task was small because his humanness needed to start with something small at first...he who is responsible with a little may be trusted with a lot, that sort of thing.
I think that's very interesting, because as God, he could have jumped right in and done all kinds of huge miraculous things in front of the entire world and we would have believed right then and there. But instead, he took on our flesh and just as he was born in a humble manger not fit for a king, he continued on in his humble state, slowly but surely revealing his glory to us, one small audience at a time. His first miracle was not walking on water or raising people from the dead, but a small act of kindness to save a newlywed couple from embarrassment, revealed only to Mary and the servants.
And he used the support and encouragement from his loved ones in order to step out on the limb God called him to walk on!
After reading this passage, I found myself asking some things about Mary. Why did she tell Jesus that they had run out of wine...how did she know he could do something about it? Because according to verse 11, his glory had not yet been revealed.
I wonder if there is significance to the fact that it was she who prompted the beginning of his ministry? This is the first time we see Mary since Jesus got lost as a little boy and was found in the temple (Luke Ch 2). But it's been said of her numerous times that she had been "storing things up in her heart" ever since his birth.
Did she really know what she was beginning for him? And if she did know of all he was capable of, why ask for such a seemingly insignificant task? Perhaps God was using her to encourage Jesus, because even though he was fully God, he was also fully human and maybe knowing what was ahead of him, he needed the support of a woman and mom to begin. And maybe the task was small because his humanness needed to start with something small at first...he who is responsible with a little may be trusted with a lot, that sort of thing.
I think that's very interesting, because as God, he could have jumped right in and done all kinds of huge miraculous things in front of the entire world and we would have believed right then and there. But instead, he took on our flesh and just as he was born in a humble manger not fit for a king, he continued on in his humble state, slowly but surely revealing his glory to us, one small audience at a time. His first miracle was not walking on water or raising people from the dead, but a small act of kindness to save a newlywed couple from embarrassment, revealed only to Mary and the servants.
And he used the support and encouragement from his loved ones in order to step out on the limb God called him to walk on!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Blog Overhaul
So I tried to revive the blog this summer, and as it turned out, well my life just wasn't that interesting anymore. The Unlikely Adventures of Crys had been replaced by The Occasional Unlikely Event that Crys is Doing Anything but Working or Sleeping, and that just doesn't make for a very interesting blog! And that also wasn't the kind of life God wanted me to lead. So the last few months have been a bit of a 'life overhaul' if you will, a pursuit of the kind of life God wants for me, the kind of life worth giving his own for.
So now, the blog is getting an overhaul as well. I'm not quite sure what new form and direction it's going to take but the Crys McDonald Show is once again onstage and playing 5 nights a week, so I hope you come back as I give the blog one more try!
So now, the blog is getting an overhaul as well. I'm not quite sure what new form and direction it's going to take but the Crys McDonald Show is once again onstage and playing 5 nights a week, so I hope you come back as I give the blog one more try!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
One More Time...
So even though building myself a little window bench cheered me up temporarily, I was still disappointed about my poor drowned flowers. Obviously the orange impatien was long gone, and the white one was quickly on it's way out. So in effort to save my bright and joyful flowering balcony vision, I bought a clay pot for a whole dollar and decorated it and moved the little white flower to the pot so it could grow up on it's own. I guess it just didn't like sharing a box with other flowers cuz it's now happy and starting to bloom again!

Then I bought a second impatien to replace the dead orange one and the transplanted white one...the new one is light pink and I now have a whole box of pink flowers. (Yes, Crys McDonald, 2 pink tshirts and now pink flowers. Who is this person?).

Then I had a big black pot from my brother's wedding and I still needed to fill the orange impatien void, so I bought an orange hibiscus bush that I LOVE! It blooms every morning in about an hour and the blooms last only a day and then they wilt when the sun goes down, you can almost watch it happen! It's the craziest thing.

So finally, I have the fabulous peaceful colorful balcony that I wanted! I have my quiet times on the balcony with my cup of coffee and watch the sunrise and it's the best part of my day.
Disclaimer: It should also be noted that when I first started this project, I was all set and ready to head to home depot that weekend when I had this big car expense pop up that I hadn't planned on and had to spend the money on that instead. I was so bummed that I wouldn't be able to buy all my flower supplies, but then Preston drove me to home depot that night and bought all the stuff for me to get started! Not only was I super excited about them, but I also had a super sweet boyfriend on top of everything else. You just can't beat that! Thanks again babe :)
Then I bought a second impatien to replace the dead orange one and the transplanted white one...the new one is light pink and I now have a whole box of pink flowers. (Yes, Crys McDonald, 2 pink tshirts and now pink flowers. Who is this person?).
Then I had a big black pot from my brother's wedding and I still needed to fill the orange impatien void, so I bought an orange hibiscus bush that I LOVE! It blooms every morning in about an hour and the blooms last only a day and then they wilt when the sun goes down, you can almost watch it happen! It's the craziest thing.
So finally, I have the fabulous peaceful colorful balcony that I wanted! I have my quiet times on the balcony with my cup of coffee and watch the sunrise and it's the best part of my day.
Disclaimer: It should also be noted that when I first started this project, I was all set and ready to head to home depot that weekend when I had this big car expense pop up that I hadn't planned on and had to spend the money on that instead. I was so bummed that I wouldn't be able to buy all my flower supplies, but then Preston drove me to home depot that night and bought all the stuff for me to get started! Not only was I super excited about them, but I also had a super sweet boyfriend on top of everything else. You just can't beat that! Thanks again babe :)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Not so green thumb, part 2...
So after a few months of loving watering care, here is what my plants look like 2 months later...

As you can see, the beautiful orange impatien which happened to be my favorite, I have quite definitely killed...in fact drowned. And the white one next to it wasn't doing so well either. :(
However, what you can't see is that the hardy herbs that are almost impossible to kill off (or so I'm told from the crazy Home Depot lady who was giving us advice) are still alive and kicking, and the ones in the pot I grew from seeds are doing well too! So hopefully my thumb isn't totally purple and black. But I was definitely bummed about the ones I killed off, so to cheer myself up, I decided to build something... :)

Thank goodness you can't kill 2x4s.
As you can see, the beautiful orange impatien which happened to be my favorite, I have quite definitely killed...in fact drowned. And the white one next to it wasn't doing so well either. :(
However, what you can't see is that the hardy herbs that are almost impossible to kill off (or so I'm told from the crazy Home Depot lady who was giving us advice) are still alive and kicking, and the ones in the pot I grew from seeds are doing well too! So hopefully my thumb isn't totally purple and black. But I was definitely bummed about the ones I killed off, so to cheer myself up, I decided to build something... :)

Thank goodness you can't kill 2x4s.
Not so green thumb...
So earlier this year I decided to test out my gardening abilities and fill up my little apartment balcony with festive spring flowers and herbs. Me and Preston spent about 3 hours at Home Depot trying to decide what kind of flowers are good in the sun, shade, north side, south side, this time of year, and this part of the country. Then we had to decide what kind of apparatus to put them in...big boxes, small boxes, clay pots, ceramic pots, pre-seeded ceramic pots, and the list goes on. We were also told what kind of soil to buy and that we needed little rocks and moss at the bottom of the flower boxes so the soil wouldn't run out the holes when I watered them. So finally, after much flower-knowledge had been gained, we excitedly left (ok, maybe I was more excited than Preston!) with our little flower treasures ready to be planted and bring color and happiness to my balcony. When we were all done, we ended up with a box filled with herbs of cilantro, basil, and oregano, and a box filled with impatiens...pink, orange, and white. I also got a ceramic pot to plant basil and cilantro from seeds. They were lovingly and carefully planted and watered, and here's what they looked like when it was all said and done...

The next post will have the pictures of what they look like NOW...

The next post will have the pictures of what they look like NOW...
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
So I was in Hobby Lobby last week for my weekly scrapbooking slash woodworking slash arts and crafts slash general do-something-with-my-hands project (I keep Hobby Lobby in business, by the way) and I discovered they have unveiled multiple aisles of Christmas decorations since my visit the week before.
Christmas decorations.
In mid-June.
It's 100 degrees outside.
Does this seem preposterous to anybody else?!
Christmas decorations.
In mid-June.
It's 100 degrees outside.
Does this seem preposterous to anybody else?!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Ok, I Admit It...
I've always known it, but I realized this week that I have to admit it. I realized it when I noticed how much I liked my co-worker's bag...it was brown with pink polka dots and a pink bow...but I hate pink. A lot. My whole life, I've hated pink. I hate the color and I hate the girly fru-fru-ness it represents. But dangitt, her bag was cute! Then, I went shopping, and wouldn't you know it but I bought a pink shirt. And I love it. I willingly handed over hard-earned money for a PINK shirt. And you know what? It's the second time I've done that! Yes I own not one, but TWO PINK SHIRTS. And I love them both.
That's when I realized I had to admit it...
I am a girl.
Perhaps you may have already noticed this, most people do. But my whole life has been lived among men. I have always worked in a male-dominated field, and my best friends have always been guys. I had a construction gig in college where they called me the "Queen Bee" because I was both the boss and the only girl. So I've always been "one of the guys" and as such, I have shunned all girlyness. For example, I have routinely taken armloads of groceries into the house (while flexing my rippling biceps, mind you...ok maybe not...) when really I've wished someone was there to just take the 24 pack of bottled water inside for me. And I have victoriously killed any insect trespassing in my home when really all I want to do is trap it under a cup until someone else can get it.
But the truth is, while I will probably always be the lone woman among men, and the answer to Sesame Street's "one of these things is not like the other...", that's just who I am! And while I have never indulged in the "girly" side of me, I'm learning I don't have to just be the chick who knows stuff about tools and isn't afraid of bugs. God is starting to show me how I can be both...pink shirt, skill saw, and all.
I will never, however, watch Gilmore Girls. There is a limit.
That's when I realized I had to admit it...
I am a girl.
Perhaps you may have already noticed this, most people do. But my whole life has been lived among men. I have always worked in a male-dominated field, and my best friends have always been guys. I had a construction gig in college where they called me the "Queen Bee" because I was both the boss and the only girl. So I've always been "one of the guys" and as such, I have shunned all girlyness. For example, I have routinely taken armloads of groceries into the house (while flexing my rippling biceps, mind you...ok maybe not...) when really I've wished someone was there to just take the 24 pack of bottled water inside for me. And I have victoriously killed any insect trespassing in my home when really all I want to do is trap it under a cup until someone else can get it.
But the truth is, while I will probably always be the lone woman among men, and the answer to Sesame Street's "one of these things is not like the other...", that's just who I am! And while I have never indulged in the "girly" side of me, I'm learning I don't have to just be the chick who knows stuff about tools and isn't afraid of bugs. God is starting to show me how I can be both...pink shirt, skill saw, and all.
I will never, however, watch Gilmore Girls. There is a limit.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Enjoying Life
One of the things I have been focusing on lately is enjoying life. I am a planner, so I have the tendency to always be looking ahead at what's coming up. Often that is a great skill, but it also tends to get a little overwhelming because I end up looking at too much at once, and become unable to enjoy the NOW because I'm too busy worrying about what is coming up tomorrow or next week or next month. So I spent a lot of time in Ecclesiastes reading about "enjoying life" because of this.
And of course, when you pray about something, funny how God tends to put it in front of you immediately! Well, my first real application of "enjoying life" was when I found myself driving all the way up to Plano (step number one out of my comfort box!) to hang out with a girlfriend's hometeam. Now typically, in a group of strangers, I tend to stay on the sidelines where it's more comfortable. But instead, I found myself striking up conversations with people and telling jokes, with a surprising lack of discomfort. Then as the night went on, they pulled IT out...this video game I'd never heard of before called...Rock Band. Now most people already know what this is because they don't live in the stone age like me, nor do they own solely the original Ninetendo 64 and nothing since then. But in case you don't know, Rock Band is basically a glorified karaoke machine...you can sing along, but you can also play a fake guitar or fake drumset along with the song.
Now normally, in a room full of strangers, I would never do something with so much potential for failure and embarrassment. But to tell the truth...I kinda wanted to play the drums! So when the guy playing finished the song and said "who's next", I heard a strangely familiar voice saying "I want to play!" And with utter shock and a slight amount of fear at the room's full attention suddenly aimed at me, I realized...that was my voice!!
So yes, I played the drums, and yes, I was a total rock star. I busted out 3 songs and didn't even care if I looked silly because dangitt I was having fun. But more importantly, for the first time in months, I felt like ME. I wasn't striving or struggling, pushing or pulling, worrying about what other people think, just being me, and dangitt, I love me! So here's me, being a total rock star...

And of course, when you pray about something, funny how God tends to put it in front of you immediately! Well, my first real application of "enjoying life" was when I found myself driving all the way up to Plano (step number one out of my comfort box!) to hang out with a girlfriend's hometeam. Now typically, in a group of strangers, I tend to stay on the sidelines where it's more comfortable. But instead, I found myself striking up conversations with people and telling jokes, with a surprising lack of discomfort. Then as the night went on, they pulled IT out...this video game I'd never heard of before called...Rock Band. Now most people already know what this is because they don't live in the stone age like me, nor do they own solely the original Ninetendo 64 and nothing since then. But in case you don't know, Rock Band is basically a glorified karaoke machine...you can sing along, but you can also play a fake guitar or fake drumset along with the song.
Now normally, in a room full of strangers, I would never do something with so much potential for failure and embarrassment. But to tell the truth...I kinda wanted to play the drums! So when the guy playing finished the song and said "who's next", I heard a strangely familiar voice saying "I want to play!" And with utter shock and a slight amount of fear at the room's full attention suddenly aimed at me, I realized...that was my voice!!
So yes, I played the drums, and yes, I was a total rock star. I busted out 3 songs and didn't even care if I looked silly because dangitt I was having fun. But more importantly, for the first time in months, I felt like ME. I wasn't striving or struggling, pushing or pulling, worrying about what other people think, just being me, and dangitt, I love me! So here's me, being a total rock star...

My Life in Nine Months
My last post was October 2007, about the time my life started to get just a little too busy for the average gal. But quite a bit happened during those months so for the avid reader of the Crys McDonald Show, here's the skinny to bring you up to speed!
October 2007:
*Just finished installing FC's first ever volunteer-built set and it was totally awesome! Thus began my life as a set designer and my work as production manager at Alliance was finished...insert bittersweet sniffle mixed with sigh of relief here.
*Creepy guy looked into the windows of my apartment...insert justified freak out here.
November 2007:
*Moved in with parents temporarily due to creepy window guy
*4-year spiritual anniversary fell exactly on Thanksgiving
*Began building the Christmas set!
December 2007:
*More Christmas :)
January 2008:
*First road trip with Preston, and we are still together after that! We drove to Florida to see my family and then made it back home just in time to dress up and ring in the New Year after 10 straight hours in the car!
*Broke down the Christmas set and went back to the first one in order to show off at upcoming C3 Conference
February 2008:
*Moved into fabulous new apartment, sans peeping toms
*Amazing C3 Conference, the very next week!
March 2008:
*Easter came early this year...pretty much running on fumes by this point
April 2008:
*Oh yeah...I was also still going to seminary. Decided it was impossible to keep up this kind of schedule, and we'll have to put school on pause and come back a few years from now. Sniff.
*Bought myself a new, non-gas guzzling car...although still hanging on to the truck because I just can't bear to part!
May 2008:
*My brother Jimmy got married to the love of his life, Cat! I got to be in the wedding and also throw a fabulous bachelorette shower!
*Officially met Preston one year ago, and we've been dating about 10 months now
*Yet a third set for the Fellowship Stage designed and executed, all glory to Him and Him alone!
*One of the girls moved away to get married...another one bites the dust
June 2008:
*Time to BREATHE. And apparently, blog.
There you have it, you are officially caught up.
October 2007:
*Just finished installing FC's first ever volunteer-built set and it was totally awesome! Thus began my life as a set designer and my work as production manager at Alliance was finished...insert bittersweet sniffle mixed with sigh of relief here.
*Creepy guy looked into the windows of my apartment...insert justified freak out here.
November 2007:
*Moved in with parents temporarily due to creepy window guy
*4-year spiritual anniversary fell exactly on Thanksgiving
*Began building the Christmas set!
December 2007:
*More Christmas :)
January 2008:
*First road trip with Preston, and we are still together after that! We drove to Florida to see my family and then made it back home just in time to dress up and ring in the New Year after 10 straight hours in the car!
*Broke down the Christmas set and went back to the first one in order to show off at upcoming C3 Conference
February 2008:
*Moved into fabulous new apartment, sans peeping toms
*Amazing C3 Conference, the very next week!
March 2008:
*Easter came early this year...pretty much running on fumes by this point
April 2008:
*Oh yeah...I was also still going to seminary. Decided it was impossible to keep up this kind of schedule, and we'll have to put school on pause and come back a few years from now. Sniff.
*Bought myself a new, non-gas guzzling car...although still hanging on to the truck because I just can't bear to part!
May 2008:
*My brother Jimmy got married to the love of his life, Cat! I got to be in the wedding and also throw a fabulous bachelorette shower!
*Officially met Preston one year ago, and we've been dating about 10 months now
*Yet a third set for the Fellowship Stage designed and executed, all glory to Him and Him alone!
*One of the girls moved away to get married...another one bites the dust
June 2008:
*Time to BREATHE. And apparently, blog.
There you have it, you are officially caught up.
The Blog is Back!
Yes, to the excitement of Laura Strickland and the chagrin of Jeph Kryzak, the Crys McDonald Show has returned! I'm catching up on the more important things in life, and as it turns out, blogging is one of them. I'll be posting the abridged version of my life over the last nine months so you are sure not to miss a thing, and then of course it's back to regaling you with the unlikely adventures of Crys, sure to be full of insect wars and general dorkiness. Occasional profound spiritual wisdom sprinkled in.
So...be sure to check back and leave you comments of sarcasm (Jeph) or support (everyone else!)!
So...be sure to check back and leave you comments of sarcasm (Jeph) or support (everyone else!)!
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