Wednesday, July 23, 2008

One More Time...

So even though building myself a little window bench cheered me up temporarily, I was still disappointed about my poor drowned flowers. Obviously the orange impatien was long gone, and the white one was quickly on it's way out. So in effort to save my bright and joyful flowering balcony vision, I bought a clay pot for a whole dollar and decorated it and moved the little white flower to the pot so it could grow up on it's own. I guess it just didn't like sharing a box with other flowers cuz it's now happy and starting to bloom again!

Then I bought a second impatien to replace the dead orange one and the transplanted white one...the new one is light pink and I now have a whole box of pink flowers. (Yes, Crys McDonald, 2 pink tshirts and now pink flowers. Who is this person?).

Then I had a big black pot from my brother's wedding and I still needed to fill the orange impatien void, so I bought an orange hibiscus bush that I LOVE! It blooms every morning in about an hour and the blooms last only a day and then they wilt when the sun goes down, you can almost watch it happen! It's the craziest thing.

So finally, I have the fabulous peaceful colorful balcony that I wanted! I have my quiet times on the balcony with my cup of coffee and watch the sunrise and it's the best part of my day.

Disclaimer: It should also be noted that when I first started this project, I was all set and ready to head to home depot that weekend when I had this big car expense pop up that I hadn't planned on and had to spend the money on that instead. I was so bummed that I wouldn't be able to buy all my flower supplies, but then Preston drove me to home depot that night and bought all the stuff for me to get started! Not only was I super excited about them, but I also had a super sweet boyfriend on top of everything else. You just can't beat that! Thanks again babe :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Not so green thumb, part 2...

So after a few months of loving watering care, here is what my plants look like 2 months later...

As you can see, the beautiful orange impatien which happened to be my favorite, I have quite definitely fact drowned. And the white one next to it wasn't doing so well either. :(
However, what you can't see is that the hardy herbs that are almost impossible to kill off (or so I'm told from the crazy Home Depot lady who was giving us advice) are still alive and kicking, and the ones in the pot I grew from seeds are doing well too! So hopefully my thumb isn't totally purple and black. But I was definitely bummed about the ones I killed off, so to cheer myself up, I decided to build something... :)

Thank goodness you can't kill 2x4s.

Not so green thumb...

So earlier this year I decided to test out my gardening abilities and fill up my little apartment balcony with festive spring flowers and herbs. Me and Preston spent about 3 hours at Home Depot trying to decide what kind of flowers are good in the sun, shade, north side, south side, this time of year, and this part of the country. Then we had to decide what kind of apparatus to put them in...big boxes, small boxes, clay pots, ceramic pots, pre-seeded ceramic pots, and the list goes on. We were also told what kind of soil to buy and that we needed little rocks and moss at the bottom of the flower boxes so the soil wouldn't run out the holes when I watered them. So finally, after much flower-knowledge had been gained, we excitedly left (ok, maybe I was more excited than Preston!) with our little flower treasures ready to be planted and bring color and happiness to my balcony. When we were all done, we ended up with a box filled with herbs of cilantro, basil, and oregano, and a box filled with, orange, and white. I also got a ceramic pot to plant basil and cilantro from seeds. They were lovingly and carefully planted and watered, and here's what they looked like when it was all said and done...

The next post will have the pictures of what they look like NOW...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


So I was in Hobby Lobby last week for my weekly scrapbooking slash woodworking slash arts and crafts slash general do-something-with-my-hands project (I keep Hobby Lobby in business, by the way) and I discovered they have unveiled multiple aisles of Christmas decorations since my visit the week before.

Christmas decorations.
In mid-June.
It's 100 degrees outside.

Does this seem preposterous to anybody else?!