Sunday, June 14, 2009

Get Ready for Explosive Growth!

So this spring, I bought a wisteria plant for my porch. The lady at Home Depot was telling me about it and one thing she said was to buy some pruning shears and to "get ready for some explosive growth!". Here's what it looked like when I bought it, about 3 months ago...

Here's what it looks like tonight as I write this!

Yes, that is a mere three months of growth! Believe it or not, I can actually look at the branches in the morning when I water them and look at it again when I get home from work and actually see that it has grown! Apparently these things can grow 10 feet in a year! It's pretty exciting. :)

And to tell you the truth, this little plant describes a lot in my life right now. I feel like there has been some "explosive growth" everywhere! God has been teaching me and stretching me in leaps and bounds...I feel "explosive" in my own personal walk, I feel this way in relationships, I feel this way in my work life, and I feel like God is moving explosively through the church and throughout the nations. Stuff is happening and I want to be a part of it!

Amy said it right last week when she said she feels like one of those little wind up toys that is all wound up and spinning it's wheels in the air and at any moment will be put on the ground and will just take off!! That's the perfect way to describe it. I'm all wound up and just waiting to be put on the ground to take off. It's a little scary because I'm don't know if I'm ready, or prepared, or good enough, or know enough...but then again I must because the Lord has put me here for a reason. And the truth is, there will be a season where I will need to be pruned back and it will probably hurt, but it will make the next season of growth even greater than the last!!

Lookout people...get ready for the explosion!

Today I will...

Sleep in till 9am...check!
Have a great chat with my Lord over coffee...check!
Healthy breakfast...check!
Clean my house, go shoe shopping, pay a few bills, and general chillage on the couch with my cat.
Excellent Sunday afternoon!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bloggy Break

As usual this time of year, there has definitely been a post-Easter recovery phase happening in past few months...part of that includes sleeping in whenever possible, spring cleaning the disaster area that has become my apartment and my truck, catching up with friends, spring planting and porch decorating, and oh yeah, actually going outside and seeing that thing they call the sun!

Unfortunately it has not included blogging or anything else that requires more than a minimal amount of brain usage. But now I'm back and ready to tell you all about the amazing things God is doing in my life, and all the not-so-amazing dorky things I do on my own.
I don't know if anyone even reads this blog anymore but if you do stay tuned, cuz it's good to be back!