Sunday, February 08, 2009

I'm Over It

Just about every Valentines Day, you can count on me having something to say about it on this blog. Sometimes it's a girl-power, singles-can-have-just-as-much-fun-as-couples-today post, sometimes its a today-is-stupid-and-overrated post (See V-day 2007, one of my favorites!). Today, it's neither. I'm neutral. I'm Switzerland. This Saturday is just another day and to be honest, I'm not planning on doing anything different than I would normally do on a Saturday. Basically, I'm over Valentines Day.

So what if I am single on Feb 14th...what makes that different than any other day of the year? And yet somehow come every February 14th, there's that little girly part of me that thinks "maybe this year is different...maybe this year that secret admirer I didn't know existed will leave secret notes on my car and show up with a handful of flowers to take me out and sweep me off my feet..." and every year (shockingly enough) that doesn't happen, and there's just a little part of me that is disappointed.

But why? I don't have these thoughts on any other day of the year? What is so special about Feb 14th? So this year...nothing. Nothing is special about Feb 14th, it's just another day. Call me bitter or jaded or cynical if you want, but I have no need to fill a regular day with a pint of ice cream and a cheesy chick flick just because I'm single, so why Valentines Day? I do still think it's sweet for a couple to celebrate it, and I know this post would be different if I were in a relationship. But for me, this year, it's just another regular day.

I'm over it.


Howard said...

Well said. -Howard

relaps said...

i stayed home on valentines day and made dinner for myself and played some yoshi's island then passed out watching the latest bond flick. i didn't really even realize it was valentines day til i came out of my cave on sunday.