Sunday, October 15, 2006

What is "the fear of stupid things"?

Sometimes I'm brushing my teeth, and I think about when one day, I'll be married, and what if I don't want my husband to see me brushing my teeth with toothpaste foam all over my mouth?
Or what if I talk in my sleep and he hears me...or what if I snore!
Or what if I'm tired of being the insect warrior and just trap the spiders under a cup until he comes home...would he mind??

Married life seems so complicated.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Did you know...?

The fear of staying single is called Anuptaphobia.
Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns.
Necrophobia is the fear of death.
Homilophobia is the fear of sermons.
Panophobia is the fear of everything.

The fear of long words is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

I kid you not.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Adventures in Housesitting, Day 7

Another little life lesson I've learned from housesitting...

Just because the dog barks at 1am does not mean there is a rapist at the door.
Sometimes it's a Q-tip.

Scorpion Watch 2006

For those of you keeping track, it's drawing near the end of week 1 and the score is Crys 1, Scorpions 0.

Also, a few scorpion afterthoughts:
1. Brown-colored scorpions blend in very well on hardwood floors.
2. Never walk barefoot during a scorpion invasion because of #1.
3. In life, never take the cockroaches for granted, or else God will give you scorpions. He has a funny sense of humor that way.
4. A fully stocked refrigerator and free internet, direct tv, and lets face electricity...make a few scorpions seem not so bad after all.

Goodbye Cockroaches, Hello...

So I'm housesitting my parents place for the next two weeks. I came over last Friday so my mom could show me where the dog food and extra pillows are kept. She tells me everything I need to know in order to keep their house from burning down while they are gone. And at the end, she adds "oh yeah, and one more thing. Not to creep you out, but we have...scorpions. I haven't seen any in a long time, but I just wanted to let you know." So basically, I've traded my apartment full of cockroaches for a house full of scorpions. I haven't quite decided which I prefer yet. One the one hand, the cockroaches are bigger, and more disgusting. I get a shiver just thinking about them. BLEH. But on the other hand...I'd prefer not to have any organism in my house that the Crocodile Hunter may have once pursued...and avoided.

So I think to myself...oh well. It is what is it. So I moved in on Sunday to be greeted with a long list of reminders so I am sure not to forget things like how many flakes go in the fishbowl.
As I continue through the house, I keep finding little post-it notes one on the dishwasher that instructs me which buttons to push...and one on the space on the counter where the mail should go...
Then I find a little plastic baggie...I read the post it attached that says "not to freak you out, but here's what they look like..." and in the baggie...yep, you guessed it...was a dead scorpion!!!! I'm just wondering if anyone else's mom stores dead venomous insects to show their kids?
Of course then I realize...she doesn't either. Which means she had to have found it between Friday when I was there with her, and Sunday when they left...which means her comforting "I haven't seen any in a long time" statement is now null and void.

So if I'm late for work anytime over the next two weeks, it's because I'm protecting the house from the deadly scorpions that are descending on it.
On one hand, I hope I don't see any. But on the other hand, I almost want to find one and put it in plastic baggie, and when I leave I can put a post-it on it saying "here's another one for your collection..."