Monday, October 02, 2006

Scorpion Watch 2006

For those of you keeping track, it's drawing near the end of week 1 and the score is Crys 1, Scorpions 0.

Also, a few scorpion afterthoughts:
1. Brown-colored scorpions blend in very well on hardwood floors.
2. Never walk barefoot during a scorpion invasion because of #1.
3. In life, never take the cockroaches for granted, or else God will give you scorpions. He has a funny sense of humor that way.
4. A fully stocked refrigerator and free internet, direct tv, and lets face electricity...make a few scorpions seem not so bad after all.

1 comment:

C-Mac said...

Shhh!!! No one is supposed to know that!! The glasses are my clever disguise...or is that Clark Kent...?