Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Ok, so it's been forever since I've posted. Some of you have written nasty emails. Some of you have wondered if I'm dead. Most of you haven't noticed. But that's ok, I've always said this is all really for my own amusement I am, typing and giggling away, and there you are, just shaking your head at your computer.

Well, if you're one of those who haven't noticed, you won't be reading this anyways so why am I even talking to you. If you wondered if I'm dead, never fear, the sarcasm is alive and well. And if you've complained...well, write your own blog, dangitt!

But in all honesty, I've needed a bit of a blogging break. But I do miss the weekly rants and dorky adventures so I'm going to try to get back into swing of things here. Unfortunately, no mutant spiders have invaded my truck, nor have any random FBI agents come knocking on my door, so I don't have any fabulous stories right now but I will be on a mission to lock myself out of my apartment for find some other equally retarded move that you've come to expect from the Crys McDonald Show.
Stay tuned!


Unknown said...

So, you're NOT dead?

Anonymous said...

Finally!!! Geez!

Anonymous said...

on a side note, I saw this shirt and immediately thought about past rants... you need one... Blake, its your job to buy it for her...