Tuesday, September 06, 2005

How I Saved Kara's Life

You may or may not know that I am actually a superhero. My latest adventure occurred this weekend. It was a Sunday night, though not particularly dark or stormy. I was headed home from seeing the movie “Brothers Grimm”, so naturally I was in a vanquish-all-evil, protect-the-innocent kind of mood. I got a call from a damsel in distress. It was Kara, and she was being held hostage in her own apartment by a menacing pink gecko. I had heard of the viciousness these geckos can behold, but never experienced their wickedness myself. Underneath their transparent scales lie sharp, poisonous fangs and large talons. Never take these tiny geckos lightly. Hang on Kara, I’m on my way!
I immediately made a sharp u-turn and headed to the nearest red phone booth where I could dispose of my glasses and change into my Supergirl tights. I leapt back into my car and hit the panic button, where it immediately morphed from normal, everyday car to a suped-up fighting machine, and sped to Euless, a known hotbed for sinister geckos.
Fearing I may be too late, I dashed up the stairs to her apartment…never fear, Supergirl is here! Fortunately she was able to dodge the infamous fangs and talons until I had arrived. She handed me a Tupperware container and some newspaper to fight the evil that is gecko. One might think those are not very superhero-like weapons, but not for Supergirl. Supergirl is resourceful and needs not the fancy gadgets or powers those other Hollywood-heros need. Supergirl relies on her strength, speed, and ingenuity to fight provocative pests. (And of course a little help from the boss man up in Heaven HQ, every superhero needs a little supernatural power!)
I scaled Kara’s dangerous coffee table and couch, neither of which doing much for my element of surprise, and skillfully made a pass at the dexterous reptile, but he evaded my brawny Tupperware. I skirted his treacherous talons by grace alone, and Kara feared for my life. I strategically shifted positions and tried again. The Tupperware slowly floated over him, getting closer and closer to ensnaring the gecko….when…ah ha! The gecko was suddenly surrounded by the plastic prison of justice. I slid the newspaper underneath and he knew he must surrender.
He was tried for breaking and entering with intent to kill with treacherous fangs and talons, and he was found guilty. However, since this was his first offense, his life was spared, and he was instead released to fend for himself against the cats and raccoons of the wilderness.
I tipped my hat to Kara who was still in awe of my superhero prowess, and drove off into the sunset as I put my glasses back on and changed back into my civilian t-shirt and jeans, ready to face another day, the world free of one more dangerous gecko. My work here is done.


Anonymous said...

hehehehe, now that's pretty dern funny.

Anonymous said...

You are sooooo AMAZING!!! I am so lucky to have SuperGirl on speed dial!! If you would not have come to save me from the fierce gecko scaling my walls, I don't think I would have ever gone to sleep! Thank you SuperGirl for your selfless act of service to your community. You're the best! I love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you end with the hands on your hips pose after capturing the villain and any chance a lasso and gold wrist bands came with the tights?

Anonymous said...

I assume that you did not have a fan and a can of Raid this time! Way to go superhero.

Anonymous said...

My girls never cease to amaze me with their talents. Love you Crys!

Anonymous said...


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