Tuesday, September 27, 2005

20 Things I Learned from my Cat

20. Always be ready to play.
19. Take time to stop and eat the flowers.
18. Don’t you dare say you have a treat unless you do.
17. Climb your way to the top…that’s why the curtains are there.
16. Trust in earned.
15. Sometimes it’s just more fun to drink from the faucet.
14. Just say no. No, I don’t want to play fetch and no, you cannot sit where I am lying.
13. Display your butt proudly and often.
12. No matter how old you are, if you cope an attitude with mom, you need a time-out.
11. Curiosity never killed anything except a few hours.
10. Never sleep alone when you can sleep on someone’s face.
9. When in doubt, nap.
8. When it’s hot, find cool places to sleep, like the bathroom sink.
7. Being placed on a pedestal is a right, not a privilege.
6. If someone says ‘no’, ask someone else. Then someone else. And then someone else. Eventually some human being will say yes.
5. When you are happy to see someone, stretch up your arms and ask to be picked up. If that fails, falling down and looking cute works too.
4. Love is unconditional.
3. If you can’t get your way, lay across the keyboard until you do.
2. If you miss the sandbox, cover it up. Dragging a sock over it will work.
1. Being cute and fuzzy will get you far, but not quite as far as a giant vomit powered space ship.


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Joey Polanski said...

Why cry over spillt milk? Cat got yer tongue?

Thougt ya might like a coment that wunt mindless SPAM!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a great list... Though I have to be honest, I think cuteness might be better than a vomit powered spaceship, if only for the smell...