Monday, November 06, 2006


I was in Garden Ridge THREE weeks ago, and they were already playing nonstop Christmas music. A mere 2 days after Halloween, I heard a commercial on KLTY saying that this time last year was when they started playing nonstop Christmas music on their station.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for having the Christmas spirit all year long and all that, but the day after Halloween, seriously? Or if you work at Garden Ridge, three weeks before Halloween??? I do NOT remember things starting so early this time last year.

Whatever happened to the weekend after Thanksgiving being the official put-up-your-christmas-tree date? I seem to remember a time when you were publicly scorned if you had christmas lights on your house earlier than Thanksgiving. And you know what people, that's the way it should be! If you are putting up your Christmas decorations and calling KLTY to tell them to start playing Christmas music, stop it right now! You don't understand the potential Christmas damage you could cause. You think it's great now...but when you're throwing up 2 weeks before Christmas because you are so cotton-picking tired of hearing Bing Crosby sing about the White Christmas that never actually appears in Dallas, Texas, you'll be sorry. Or when you realize your October electricity bill is through the roof not because of your heating bill but because of the christmas lights, you will be ready to take them down before Thanksgiving even comes around. Or when you gain your holiday weight in early November, you’re gonna be up a creek come Turkey Day.

See my point, people? There is a reason we wait until after Thanksgiving. At this rate, this time next year kids will be hearing non-stop Christmas music in August on the bus to their first day of school! And then the year after that, in May while they're taking their finals! And then the year after that, the colors of Valentines Day will morph from pink and white to red and green. Five years from now we won't even bother taking our decorations down because New Years Day will be when it’s time to put them back up again. Then we will have found ourselves living in a saccharine-soaked, willi-wonka, lollipop life where it’s Christmas every day and let me tell you something people, there is no place for negative blogging in days like those.


Anonymous said...

Clearly, what you need is some eggnog. I think they're selling it in the stores already if you want me to pick some up for you.

C-Mac said...

I will take your Eggnog on November 24th. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Latent anger is what I sense. Sorry, but my iTunes is already filled with my Christmas music. I do agree that the tree should wait until after Thanksgiving. That's when I do mine! When I'm still high off turkey and 5am shopping sprees the day after Thanksgiving. FYI....when I worked at Hobby Lobby in HIGH SCHOOL, July is when we started getting in Christmas stuff. So, that part has not changed. Maybe you just haven't been to a craft store since before July and are just now noticing the abundance of Christmas joy that lines the shelves. Honestly though, just put in a CD and don't go to Garden Ridge until you're ready to accept that Christmas will be here before you know it! :) LOVE YA!

C-Mac said...

You do have a point about not going to craft stores...uh, ever. ;)