Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Word to the Wise

For those of you who might enjoy the occasional bowl of granola for a morning meal or mid-afternoon snack like myself, let me offer a word of wisdom. Perhaps, like me, you might purchase the "grape-nuts" brand of granola. There is nothing wrong with this. But, perhaps one day at the grocery store next to that box of granola, is a more attractive "organic" brand of this same granola. You are intrigued. This is still not a problem. You pick up both boxes and compare the nutritional charts right there in the middle of the aisle. I encourage this behavior. Then, after much contemplation, you decide to purchase the organic grape-nuts granola for a change of pace. This, my friend, is where you have gone horribly, horribly wrong.
I know this first hand, because yesterday when I opened this box of organic grape-nut granola, excited about my healthy choice of snack, I found myself not with a mouthful of tasty granola but instead some sort of foul woodchip concoction.
Trust me on this one, should the healthy cereal that is the grape-nut allure you into purchasing it's deceivingly tasty organic product, do not give in. I repeat, do not give in. Not unless you want a mouthful of woodchips.

1 comment:

Roger Hayward said...

go to ebay and buy myvajjispainin.com for real thats what Oprah Winfrey said the other day on the air and now it is for sale on ebay