Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Not so green thumb, part 2...

So after a few months of loving watering care, here is what my plants look like 2 months later...

As you can see, the beautiful orange impatien which happened to be my favorite, I have quite definitely fact drowned. And the white one next to it wasn't doing so well either. :(
However, what you can't see is that the hardy herbs that are almost impossible to kill off (or so I'm told from the crazy Home Depot lady who was giving us advice) are still alive and kicking, and the ones in the pot I grew from seeds are doing well too! So hopefully my thumb isn't totally purple and black. But I was definitely bummed about the ones I killed off, so to cheer myself up, I decided to build something... :)

Thank goodness you can't kill 2x4s.

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