Friday, March 20, 2009

Today's/Tomorrow's To Do List

1. Coffee and Quiet Time
2. Get truck inspected, washed, and filled up since it was unearthed from the parent's barn yesterday.
3. Grocery Shopping
4. Catch up with Leviticus, type two classes worth of notes, read commentary and handouts, catch up on journaling
5. Clean house and put away laundry (that was washed last week)
6. File taxes (that were finished but not filed last week)
7. Weekly budget/checkbook balancing
8. Buy new computer (that we've been researching/deciding on for a month)
9. Finalize talk and devotional for FC Creative Nights

So far, I've got #1-3 finished, with a brief chicken-noodle-soup break before tackling #4. However I notice an interesting pattern..God, truck, food, God, cleanliness, money, spend money, God.

Ok so maybe the truck comes before food...don't judge, at least the bookends are right. :)


Joseph Stubblefield said...

Good Luck with the list. What kind of computer are you looking at?

C-Mac said...

Toshiba...I contemplated getting a mac, but it's just too expensive, especially for what I'd be using it for!

Unknown said...

Hold up, hold up. Why is the truck being revivied?!?
And did you already get a computer? See me if you haven't already.