Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Just to Prove My Nerdiness...

So yesterday I got the crazy idea that I should audition for the praise team at Fellowship Church...yes, the same Fellowship Church that has about 18,000 people every weekend!
I had a blast. I am already a part of the choir and had to audition for that, so I knew a little of what to expect.
So I walk onstage...yes, onstage, with a spotlight and audition. "Hi Crys" I hear Yanci's voice say, although I can't really see her in the audience. "What are you singing for us?" "I'll be singing How Great is Our God by Chris Tomlin...because he has a really cool name" (NERD!!!) They chuckle at my nerdiness...phew. "And also Angel by Sarah McLaughlin"

It was so much fun. And by fun, I mean scary beyond all reason and I was going to throw up....but fun! But let me tell you what a cool experience it was to hear my voice filling up that huge worship center. Even if I never get to sing again on that stage, that's ok with me because that was cool enough right there! I'm so glad I got to do it!! I was never really convinced that I would actually make it, I mean with people like Rob Johnson and Eric and Yanci and Vanessa and Michael on the praise team, their standards are pretty high! I just wanted to do the best job I could do and enjoy the experience. I was a little dissapointed because I was sooo nervous that I don't feel like I did my very best, but I guess that's ok. Whatever happens, happens.

So I enjoyed each moment as it was happening, not taking for granted a single second because I might never get the chance to do that again...and it was awesome. Afterwards, I went into the audience so they could tell me how I did...and here's where my true nerd-dom shone thru. Let me preface by saying that the last time I auditioned, it was for Yanci and Vanessa, so for some reason in my head I just expected them to be there again. But instead it was Yanci and Michael Higdon...yes, Michael Higdon who is the coolest worship leader ever and I wish I could play guitar like him! So what do I do? Do I conduct myself in a calm and professional manner, impressing them with how blasse I think it is to audition because I'm so experienced and I've done this so many times before? Nooooooo. Instead, before I realize what's coming out of my mouth, I say "!! It's Michael Higdon! I want to be you!!"

NERD NERD NERD NERD NERD!!! He laughed and joked "you're in!", meanwhile I'm sure he was thinking "I've never met a bigger nerd in my life". But they said I did a great job and they love Sarah McLaughlin. They didn't ask me to be on the praise team, but they didn't kick me out of the choir either so I figure that's probably pretty good. :)
But what was even cooler was since I noted that I play the piano and guitar on my audition form, and my music track to How Great is Our God was actually me playing the guitar, Michael asked if I would come to the band auditions in a few months b/c they always need girl players! I thought that was way cool. Of course that is no indication of what they'll say when I actually audition, but it was still cool. Honestly, if I had to choose, I'd have much more fun playing guitar than singing people stare at you less if you're not the lead singer, and that's always a plus in my book. ;) So I guess now it's time to start practicing for band auditions!!

Well that was my praise team audition experience and the latest in the Adventures of Nerd Girl. At least I was wearing my Napolean Dynamite t-shirt so there was no mistaking my nerdiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh crap. Ya totally shooda gotten it. At least you didn't have Simon as your judge. Rock on dogstar. You'll get your break as a fantasmo supa stah soon enough.