Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Why I love...Kara!

My very good friend and fellow blogger Sara Shields one day had the wonderful idea of telling everyone who reads her blog how great her friends are. And because I am currently out of creative blogging ideas, I shall shamelessly steal hers. So here is installment #1 of Why I Love…

Why I Love Kara…first of all she’s stinkin’ gorgeous, how can you not love her? Just being around her makes you more attractive because of all the hot-ness vibes radiating off of her! Strangers have actually walked up to her to ask if she is a model. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. But even more beautiful is her personality on the inside. She has one of the biggest, most giving hearts of anyone I have ever met. Serving others before herself is never a question for her. She is sensitive and vulnerable and embodies femininity without losing her strength and independence…something I have yet to master! She is passionate and will not hesitate to give you her love and encouragement. And above all, everything about her and her life are all about God and following in His footsteps as closely as possible.
I also love how she’s one of the few people who GET me! This is because we share the same brain. She is just as dorky and goofy as I am and when other people roll their eyes and tell me how cheesy I am, she just giggles and laughs along with me, usually heaping more cheesiness on top! I never have to worry about looking or acting like a complete nerd around her because she doesn’t care. I love that we can totally kick butt at pictionary and can look at each other across the room and know exactly what the other is thinking! I love that she teaches me that it’s ok to be a little girly, but still calls me to come over and squish the bugs or catch the lizards! I love that she spends most of the day on the computer like me so I get to talk to her every now and then during the workday to make my day a little brighter! I love that she decorates her apartment way better than mine and knows every word to every *Nsync, Backstreet Boys, NKOTB, and every other miscellaneous boy band song ever created. And I love that any line from Friends I quote, no matter how random or obscure, she instantly recognizes. The same goes for any Kidd Kraddick/Kiss FM reference.
Kara is the greatest and everyone who reads this should comment on how much they love Kara too, because I know you do! And that is why I love Kara!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you soooooo much! Crys, you are such an amazing friend and this totally made my week. I was totally going to steal the "Why I Love..." idea as well, but I haven't had the time. You are right, we do share the same brain. You know, the funny thing is, we probably would have never been friends in high school or anything. God is so awesome at putting friends together despite their differences. He knows just what and who we need in our lives and I am so lucky to have been in the right place at the right time. I love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Kara is at the center of girliness fun! I love her. Kara, you rock girl, and I will always support your taste of music, love for all things pink and your pursuit of God.

Love you girls!

Anonymous said...

I highly agree that Kara is very cool. She has always been very supportive of me and has always made me feel welcome. I am a better man for having known Kara.