Wednesday, March 08, 2006

And the Winner Is...

Ok, so I just read Kara's post about the Oscars and how she listed who she thought who should have won, and it gave me an idea. So in the Crys McDonald Show, here's who the Oscars would really go to...

Best Dressed...Always Kara. Miss Fashion Fabulous herself.

Best Picture...Amy, because let's face it, she's gorgeous.

Best Chick Flick...Sara, because she can embrace all the girly stuff that I'm not always good at.

Best Shoot 'Em Up...Ross, because he looks a 4 ton pissed off bull in the eye at least once a week and then says "that was fun!"

Best Actor...Erick. Make him sing and you'll understand.

Best Speech...Matt, because he always has something great to say. It might be wise, or it might be cheesy, but if you need advice Matt's always got some ready. And chances are it will rhyme.

Best Supporting Actor and parents! Not just because they are literally supporting me financially right now by letting me live with them and eat their food, but because they are continually supportive in all the things I do, from probably 20 years ago when I said "I want to work in theatre" to about 2 months ago when I said "I'm gonna go work for a church!"

Best Friend in a Recurring Role: Blake Rodgers because he has always been there for me time and time again. I joke that I don't like to have him around my christian friends because he's got all the pre-Fellowship dirt on me and says things that give me heart attacks like "remember the time when..." but the truth is I love when he's around and I love him so much and am so blessed that he still puts up with me, and now we get to share our faith, too!

Most Inspirational Role: Brad Saab, who went off to Florida to save the world.

Best Tech in a Trilogy: My friend Kyle from college. I say Trilogy because like Blake, he too has been around quite a while and I am so blessed that he's still a part of my life. And Best Tech because that guy can build anything. And when he did, we entertained ourselves by seeing how many pieces we could break it into, find the farthest city we could drive it too, then try to put it back together again. Hours of fun people.

Best Soundtrack: Jason, because time and time again, no one ever gives me better advice than that guy, and he always knows what's right or what to do.
Drives me nuts.

Best New Artist: My office mates Brian, Jeph, and Brad who continually entertain and remind me not to take things too seriously! Brian is always sure to ask how you are or how your weekend was, Brad is always good for a useful piece of knowledge, unusual story, or a sarcastic poke at Jeph, and Jeph is great if you have a water bottle lid or sunflower seed shortage.

Lifetime Achievement Award: I can't have an awards show without giving this award to the one and only Jesus Christ. I am daily reminded, humbled, and amazed at what he has done with my life, and accolades are truly due to someone who worked so hard to get me here!


Anonymous said...

Water bottle lid or sunflower seed shortages? That's me?!? Welp, sounds about right.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I...I just don't know what to say. I'm mean, just to be nominated'm overwhelmed. First, let me say to everyone else who was in this category - any of you could have one, really. All of you deserved it just as much, if not more. What can I say, this was just my year.

To everyone who voted for me, thank you! I can't tell you how much this means.

To my parents and my agent, who always believed me... I told you it would pay off some day!

And most of all, to Crys, who has proven once and for all that people who listen to Garth Brooks, the Scorpions, Kelly Clarkson, and Coldplay can all get along.

I'll never forget this night.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

This post was hilarious, I love you Crys. Nice comments, too! Brian, this is the longest comment I've ever seen you leave!!!