Sunday, February 26, 2006

Its the Little Things

So I've been living with my parents for a few weeks now. There's very little I don't like about my current living situation, but it's funny when I think of what I thought would be the greatest thing about living here, and what I actually get the most pleasure out of are two different things.
(Before I continue...let me add the disclaimer that I'm speaking purely of material things. Yes, I love the fact that I actually get to spend some time with my parents after so much time away at college, and no, no material thing is better than that. That goes without saying. So that being said...)

I thought living in a beautiful, ginormous house would be fabulous enough in itself compared to my little apartment. I thought having access to a nice quiet lake to escape to would appeal to me daily. I thought living rent-free for a few months would bring tears of joy. And I wasn't wrong, all those things are very true. But what's surprising is that what I notice more are the little things. Like the fact that the cereal is brand name and not generic. And the fact that when I pack my lunch, I don't have to save the ziplock bags to wash them out and reuse them, or be careful not to crinkle the brown paper bag too much so I can use that again, too. Or that when you want to blow your nose, you don't have to use the toilet paper because tissues are a part of bathroom decor. For that matter, there is toilet paper on the roll, and you don't have to resort to paper towels! And the fact that you can throw away twist ties because there's a magic drawer with more. Or the fact that paper plates even exist, or how there are actual napkins instead of (again) a roll of paper towels. And bottles of water instead of reusing the bottle and filling it with tap water every day. And nothing here has been fashioned from an old cardboard box, or held together by expertly placed rubber bands and safety pins.

Someday when I'm rich and famous in my own home, I'll be able to do all those things too. Isn't it funny that you know you've finally made it not by looking at the size of your bank account, but by the fact that you can buy real Cherrios with the little bee and everything instead of "Sugar O's".
It's funny how regardless of all the things going on around you, it's the little things that matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You actually re-used your ziplock bags, nasty.
