Sunday, April 16, 2006

I Had No Idea I Was So Popular

Ok, so this post is a little lame considering I haven't posted anything in two weeks....and I could give you excuses about how I've been buried under a giant Easter Bunny, but you don't care, you only want more of the Blog de Crys... "Give us more!" you cry, "More blogging, because our days are filled with boredom and doldrums, and you are the only light in our dark and listless cubicles!!" ( I don't know what a doldrum is by the way...except you might want to have it checked...) So here, take this random morsel of humor for now and I promise to resume the Blogging de los Locos.

So I ran across this website a few days ago and it just made me laugh. Maybe I should make a guest appearance or something...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always terrific to read your latest insightful commentary, Crys, but I feel there are a few misconceptions that need to be cleared up.

1. I'm quite sure I never actually cried. My allergies have just been bad lately.

2. I don't work in a cubicle (you may remember the office from when you worked there).

3. Our multiple windows actually provide quite a bit of light.

4. Aren't all cubicles listless?

5. I never said my days were filled with "boredom and doldrums" - I said "that boardgame is filled with conundrums". Please listen more carefully next time.

Finally, I know someone who signed up for one of those CRYS Retreats, but can't go (turns out you have to be Catholic). Can you help them?