Saturday, May 19, 2007


Jimmy has officially graduated from TCU!!! We feared this day would never come. He and Cat will be moving to Lubbock at the end of June to start grad school (WHICH, by the way, I'm very upset with because I think they have no need to move until August which is when school starts, meaning they can spend more time with their fabulous sister, but whatever...). But at the least, they have to come back next summer to get married!

Jim's degree will be in music and Cat's will be...well...some sort of criminal...forensic...psychology...thing...just think CSI. All I know is it takes 6 years. Yikes.
Congrats to you both, ya'll are AWESOME!!!

You know what this means don't you...we're growing up.
I don't really know how I feel about that.

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