Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Life in Nine Months

My last post was October 2007, about the time my life started to get just a little too busy for the average gal. But quite a bit happened during those months so for the avid reader of the Crys McDonald Show, here's the skinny to bring you up to speed!

October 2007:
*Just finished installing FC's first ever volunteer-built set and it was totally awesome! Thus began my life as a set designer and my work as production manager at Alliance was finished...insert bittersweet sniffle mixed with sigh of relief here.
*Creepy guy looked into the windows of my apartment...insert justified freak out here.

November 2007:
*Moved in with parents temporarily due to creepy window guy
*4-year spiritual anniversary fell exactly on Thanksgiving
*Began building the Christmas set!

December 2007:
*More Christmas :)

January 2008:
*First road trip with Preston, and we are still together after that! We drove to Florida to see my family and then made it back home just in time to dress up and ring in the New Year after 10 straight hours in the car!
*Broke down the Christmas set and went back to the first one in order to show off at upcoming C3 Conference

February 2008:
*Moved into fabulous new apartment, sans peeping toms
*Amazing C3 Conference, the very next week!

March 2008:
*Easter came early this year...pretty much running on fumes by this point

April 2008:
*Oh yeah...I was also still going to seminary. Decided it was impossible to keep up this kind of schedule, and we'll have to put school on pause and come back a few years from now. Sniff.
*Bought myself a new, non-gas guzzling car...although still hanging on to the truck because I just can't bear to part!

May 2008:
*My brother Jimmy got married to the love of his life, Cat! I got to be in the wedding and also throw a fabulous bachelorette shower!
*Officially met Preston one year ago, and we've been dating about 10 months now
*Yet a third set for the Fellowship Stage designed and executed, all glory to Him and Him alone!
*One of the girls moved away to get married...another one bites the dust

June 2008:
*Time to BREATHE. And apparently, blog.

There you have it, you are officially caught up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on everything and welcome back! It's nice to hear that good things are happening to you.