Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ok, I Admit It...

I've always known it, but I realized this week that I have to admit it. I realized it when I noticed how much I liked my co-worker's was brown with pink polka dots and a pink bow...but I hate pink. A lot. My whole life, I've hated pink. I hate the color and I hate the girly fru-fru-ness it represents. But dangitt, her bag was cute! Then, I went shopping, and wouldn't you know it but I bought a pink shirt. And I love it. I willingly handed over hard-earned money for a PINK shirt. And you know what? It's the second time I've done that! Yes I own not one, but TWO PINK SHIRTS. And I love them both.
That's when I realized I had to admit it...

I am a girl.

Perhaps you may have already noticed this, most people do. But my whole life has been lived among men. I have always worked in a male-dominated field, and my best friends have always been guys. I had a construction gig in college where they called me the "Queen Bee" because I was both the boss and the only girl. So I've always been "one of the guys" and as such, I have shunned all girlyness. For example, I have routinely taken armloads of groceries into the house (while flexing my rippling biceps, mind you...ok maybe not...) when really I've wished someone was there to just take the 24 pack of bottled water inside for me. And I have victoriously killed any insect trespassing in my home when really all I want to do is trap it under a cup until someone else can get it.
But the truth is, while I will probably always be the lone woman among men, and the answer to Sesame Street's "one of these things is not like the other...", that's just who I am! And while I have never indulged in the "girly" side of me, I'm learning I don't have to just be the chick who knows stuff about tools and isn't afraid of bugs. God is starting to show me how I can be shirt, skill saw, and all.

I will never, however, watch Gilmore Girls. There is a limit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I respect that. Espescially the bit about the Gilmore Girls... (shudder)