Monday, November 10, 2008

The First Miracle

John 2:1-11, Jesus Changes Water into Wine
After reading this passage, I found myself asking some things about Mary. Why did she tell Jesus that they had run out of did she know he could do something about it? Because according to verse 11, his glory had not yet been revealed.

I wonder if there is significance to the fact that it was she who prompted the beginning of his ministry? This is the first time we see Mary since Jesus got lost as a little boy and was found in the temple (Luke Ch 2). But it's been said of her numerous times that she had been "storing things up in her heart" ever since his birth.

Did she really know what she was beginning for him? And if she did know of all he was capable of, why ask for such a seemingly insignificant task? Perhaps God was using her to encourage Jesus, because even though he was fully God, he was also fully human and maybe knowing what was ahead of him, he needed the support of a woman and mom to begin. And maybe the task was small because his humanness needed to start with something small at first...he who is responsible with a little may be trusted with a lot, that sort of thing.

I think that's very interesting, because as God, he could have jumped right in and done all kinds of huge miraculous things in front of the entire world and we would have believed right then and there. But instead, he took on our flesh and just as he was born in a humble manger not fit for a king, he continued on in his humble state, slowly but surely revealing his glory to us, one small audience at a time. His first miracle was not walking on water or raising people from the dead, but a small act of kindness to save a newlywed couple from embarrassment, revealed only to Mary and the servants.

And he used the support and encouragement from his loved ones in order to step out on the limb God called him to walk on!

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