Tuesday, August 09, 2005

NYC Rules...Part 3

To wrap up our awesome week, Thursday we did a little shopping in the morning and then it was back on the road again! We drove to Washington DC and it was my 4th time there so I got to show them all around so that was pretty cool. Plus, they finished the World War II monument, which they were building last time I was there, so that was new for me and very cool. We saw the Washington Monument and the Captial building and the Veitnam memorial before getting to Lincoln, my 2nd favorite memorial in DC. Jason and Michael decided they needed to race up the stairs to the top. Let me say that these are not your everyday handful of stairs. There were TONS of stairs, lots of them pretty steep, and it was like 95 and way humid outside. I barely felt like walking as it was. But these guys raced full speed to the top of the monument. I so would have puked. But it was pretty funny to see them hurtle over stairs and dodge other tourists. It was a photo finish, but Michael won!

Then we saw the Korean memorial which is my personal favorite. I can't describe it, you have to go. But it has sculptures of soldiers walking thru a rice paddy and their faces are just so real it seems like they are looking right at you. I love that one. We drove past Arlington Cemetary and the Thomas Jefferson memorial and the White House as well before continuing on to Virginia to crash for the night!

On Friday we drove thru beautiful 85 degree North Carolina along the Blue Ridge Parkway for some absolutely gorgeous scenic mountain views. I took them to Blowing Rock which has an indian legend surrounding it that because of the strength of the winds blowing up the rock, it actually pushed an indian brave back up onto the rock after he jumped off. It was kinda rainy, but still beautiful and a definate change from the hot city we'd been in all week! Then we drove to Atlanta and before crashing for the night, we got to meet one of Jason's good friends and his wife and hang out with them for a bit. They used to live here and go to Fellowship and they were way cool. Then on Saturday it was 12 hours of driving to make it home!!

Whew! What an awesome trip. As soon as I get my pictures developed (because no, I have not yet bought a digital camera. Gimme a break, I just got a DVD player like a year ago) and figure out how to post them on this thing, you'll get to enjoy them too! NYC Rules!!!

1 comment:

C-Mac said...

Sheesh throw a girl under the bus why don't ya... j/k ;)
Your right on all accounts so me, being the perfectionist that I am, couldn't sleep until they were fixed.
Happy now, professor crouch? ;)