Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A Real Man!

It's official, Ross is a rootin', tootin', fresh and fruitin' cowboy! Wait...that didn't come out right...
Me and Bobby got to see Ross in his element last Friday in Weatherford at a Rodeo!! Even though he claims he sucked, I was stinking impressed! I mean, how many other people do I know that would walk up to a giant pissed off animal with big mean horns, and then just piss it off more by tying a rope around it's happy place and climbing on his back, just to see how long he can hang on!!! And let me tell you, the particular bull that Ross rode was particularly pissed off. It was pretty darn cool though, and let me tell you I have a whole new respect for the guys who do that. And by respect I mean they're downright nutzo. With a capital N.I didn't get any good pictures, but the one here is of Ross after he rode...he and everyone else are hanging on to the bars on the sides. That's because just before this picture was taken, the bull Ross just jumped off ran by and tried to gore them on his horns like a cowboy sish-ka-bob. Fortunately he missed.
In conclusion: Ross is the coolest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! Ross is so brave! :)