Friday, August 19, 2005

The World's 2nd Cutest Kitten!

Meet Zachary, my parent's new addition to their family! He's about 10 weeks old and just about the cutest thing you have ever seen since that cartoon cat in Shrek 2 made those googley-eyes. This little ball of fearless fluff has free reign over my parent's ginormous house, where he skids all over the hardwood floors, runs down the stairs so fast that he falls flat on the face when he gets to the bottom, and thinks their computer keyboard is a catwalk where he can strut his stuff. He's already terrorizing their other cat, Rocky, and even the dog Bandit, who doesn't realize he outweighs the poofball by like 50 pounds.
Zach is a purebred mainecoon, so we're hoping he's gonna grow good and big! So say hello to the world's 2nd cutest kitten (out-cuted only by Duncan of course...and let's face it no one could possibly be cuter than him... ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That cat is the cutest!!!!!!!