Monday, January 15, 2007

Everyday Miracle

My recent life of utter chaos and disorder that masqueraded itself under the title of "Christmas" has come and gone, and now that I've had time to sleep and get back to my everyday life of somewhat less chaos and more order, you have the pleasure of hearing my thoughts about it.
Ok perhaps I am being a little dramatic with the phrase "utter chaos and disorder" but it did get pretty darn busy and ridiculously stressful for a while there. But, glutton for punishment that I am, it was also pretty fun. I had a lot to do with the preparation of the Grapevine Christmas services, but I was also the production manager for our Alliance campus, and it was really exciting to do something new and different and so much bigger than anything they've ever seen at that campus before. You know me...I can't do anything halfway, so it was go big or go home out at the Alliance campus! (Yes, that's also my shout-out to Ryan Mordecai...) And in the final 24 hours before the service, of course my eyes saw all the things we could or should have done better or wish we had time for. But my prayer that week (well, one of the many) was that God create the service HE truly wanted created for that campus, and not the one I wanted. And in the end, that was exactly what he did. It was amazing to see God's work on the service that we, as humans, could produce. We did our best, which frankly, in my eyes, was not good enough. But something happened between the very last run-through at 9am that morning and the very first service at 10. We took it as far as we could take it, and then the Holy Spirit stepped in and took it to the next level, where He wanted it to be. If you had been there, you would have seen it too.
In addition, never once did he leave my side that week, and there is no explanation other than the absolute power of the God that sustained me through it all. Every morning before the sun rose I surrendered the day to Him and simply praised Him for everything, good or bad, and every night with only a few hours before I had to get up again, I marveled at how He had come through that day.
While this was my first Christmas at Fellowship, or for that matter in ministry at all, I was expecting it to be difficult and for the spiritual warfare to be at full tilt. But for some reason what I didn't expect was the greatness of God to pervade it all! I mean knew he would be there, I knew we would all get through it, but the physical evidence of his hand on my life, and on the lives of my coworkers around me all trying to accomplish the same goal, for some reason I didn't expect and it just blew me away every day.
I've been involved with shows that all you try to do is get through the week, get the show up, and survive. I guess that's what I expected to do this Christmas...survive. But I did so much more than survive, I thrived! Yes, I was pretty wiped out by the time it was over, but the point is I succeeded! I was victorious! And the best part, it had nothing to do with me!
Going forward, it is my prayer that we can all offer that same surrender and praise every day, regardless of the circumstances. And after that, to not just know that God is capable of the Old-Testament miracles that we believe in our heads but maybe doubt could actually happen today, but instead to believe with our hearts, expect even, in the everyday miracle. And by "everyday", I don't mean insignificant or mundane or routine, but the miracles that happen everyday that we don't even notice. For example, the fact that the thousands of speeding missles we call cars doesn't happen to hit yours today. The fact that I woke up this morning and didn't have to take a single medication or pill to sustain any failing health. The fact that after my last heartbeat, there's another one after it that I never even thought about. Or after my last breath, there's another one after that, too. Everyday miracles.
I had every reason to look at the negative and throw in the towel that week. But those everyday miracles were so bright and obvious to me, Satan's attacks were irrelavent. I hope that challenging circumstances won't be the only thing that brings the everyday miracle to my attention, but now that I am reminded they are there, I will continue to see them and live a life in complete surrender and praise to the one who made them!

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